Nor Vise Fly Tying Kit

My latest find on ebay - a Nor Vise fly tying kit. This one came from gentleman named Mike in Washington. It seemed to take an eternity to reach my Armed Forces Post box here in the UK. I realised why it took so long when the box finally arrived. It was even bigger than I thought it would be, mostly to make room for the the fluorescent lamp and the well-padded travel bag. The vise didn't look like much when I first unpacked and assembled it. My wife's comment was "It's NOT going on the living room shelf with your other vises!"

Clearly is has seen some use, it was a bit grungy. But it cleaned up nicely and it spins very smooth again. It's in great shape. Will I become one of the Nor Vise's faithful followers, or another skeptic? Time will tell. I don't yet have enough experience yet with it to pass judgement. However I can say that it makes spinning extended bodies and dubbing ropes quite easy - and fun.

As pleased as I am with the new toy, I'm not quite ready to ask my wife to let me keep it on the living room shelf. Maybe I'll just leave it there and see if she says anything.
